10 Ways to Live Longer ...

by Jess Martin (CLEO Magazine)

And no, one of them is not brussels sprouts ...

"Anything that gets your heart pumping is great for longevity"

1 ... pat a pet
There is eveidence to suggest that our furry friends are more than just bandles of cuteness to look at. Studies show the survival rates of heart attack victims who had a pet were 28 percent higher than those patients who didn't. Contact and interaction with animals triggers a relaxation response and also reduces levels of stress hormone cortisol.

2 ... butt out
Still sucking face with those cancer sticks? Expect to shape up to 10 years off your life, not to mention significantly increase your risk of cancer, stroke, heart disease and emphysema. Non-smokers are twice as likely to make it to the age of 90 as smokers.

3 ... have a laugh
There is a reason laughter is said to be the best medicine. A norwegian study found that cancer patients had a significantly higher chance of survival if they had a good sense of humour, cutting their chances of death bu about 70 percent (compared to those patients who were less likely to crack a smile).

4 ... get jiggy with it
Ah, the old horizontal (or vertical) dance of love. Having sex has physical, social and mental upsides; it releases a number of beneficial chemicals into our bodies, increase intimacy and bonding, and can work against depression. No partner on your horizon? No worries, according to some research, orgasms alone (about 100 per year) can increase your life expectancy by three to eight years.

5 ... pump up the volume
And dance! We all know exercise is a vital component of a healthy lifestyle, so make it as enjoyable as possible. Join an Afro-Latin funk class (and really shake that booty), or, alternatively, make like Lady Gaga and "just dance" around your living room for 30 minutes a couple of times a week. Anything that get your heart pumpting is great for longevity.

6 ... sip a glass of red
Your favorite cab sav is packed with antioxidant resveratrol, which helps prevent cancer by limiting tumour growth. A glass of vino a day can also help to fight against signs of ageing by preventing cell damage. We don't need to be told twice, pass the bottle!

7 ... give out free hugs
Human touch can help you physically and psychologically by reducing stress, relieving pain, increasing your ability to cope, and upping your overall health and wellbeing. Hugging someone will benefit you and them, so aim for at least one a day.

8 ... stimulate your brain
Next time you are scanning the social pages in the paper, flip over to the Sudoku. Regularly solving puzzles can help increase your brain activity and fight against debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer's.

9 ... don't be so serious
Researchers have found that optimistic people decrease their risk of early death by 50 percent, compared to those who are pessimistic. So smile!

10 ... get some shut-eye
The people of the Greek Island Ikaria have one of the highest life expectancies in the world. Their secret? Getting  plenty of sleep. As a result, they have lower level of stress, cancer and heart disease. Permission to hit snooze, granted.