Have a healthy holiday

by Carole Beck
Summer living is easy ... unless your holiday is ruined by a health problem. Don't just cross your fingers - take these simple steps to stay healthy and stress-free.

It's so common that it's got a name - leisure sickness. You go on holidays and instantly come down with flu, hay fever, a tummy bug - or all three.  But follow the guide here to preventing common problems and you'll stay well all summer long.

Cold Sore
WHAT CAUSES THEM? Excessive exposure to the UV light in sunshine is the main trigger of cold sores, which are an unsightly symptom of the herpes virus. Stress is also a contributing factor, often brought on by the last-minute, pre-holiday rush.
PREVENT THEM Try rubbing on the herb lemon balm - it's thought to stop the virus from getting into the skin cells by acting like chewing gum in a keyhole. The Herpes Virus Association recommends Lomaherpan, a herbal cream containing lemon balm. Use it twice a day while exposed to the sun, but make sure you apply sunscreen, too - it's crucial to stopping cold sores.

Food Poisoning
WHAT CAUSES IT? Eating food contaminated with bacteria.
PREVENT IT Tuck into natural live yogurt for breakfast in the summer to help strengthen your digestive system and build up resistance to tummy bugs. Live yogurt contains acidophilus, which keeps friendly bacteria topped up and helps to maintain a healthy digestive system and intestines.

WHAT CAUSES IT? Change in routine combined with dehydration caused by sun, alcohol and flying.
PREVENT IT  Take a probiotic (such as live yogurt) during your holidays to populate the colon with "friendly" bacteria that will help keep your digestive system strong and regular. It's important to drink lots of bottled water, too - at least two litres a day in a hot climate.

WHAT CAUSES THEM? These are frequently picked up on planes, according to Professor Ron Eccles, director of the Common Cold Centre at Cardiff University. "While you may be resistant to local cold viruses, you're exposed to many new viruses on a plane and in foreign countries."
PREVENT THEM  Take some certified organic which contains sea backthorn berries, which are rich in bug-fighting antioxidants such as vitamin C, E and beta-carotine.

Sun damage
WHAT CAUSES IT? Even with sun cream, you can still get burnt if you don't cover up or sit in the shade.
PREVENT IT  Try Imedeen Tan Optimizer. Studies have shown it can help prevent sunburn and preserve your colour, thanks to the skin-nourishing, free-radical fighting antioxidants lycopene and vitamins C and E. Start taking it a month before you go.

WHAT CAUSES IT? Holidays can be a minefield for migraine sufferers, with bright sun, excessive heat and irregular meals all potential triggers. A change in air pressure, for example when flying, can also be to blame. The relief of stress can also cause a migraine, so if you've been rushing around getting ready for the holiday, you may get a migraine as soon as you relax by the pool.
PREVENT IT  Several studies have shown that feverfew can help reduce the frequency and severity of migraines.

Hay fever
WHAT CAUSES IT? If you are sneezing or plagued by itchy, watery eyes, you could be allergic to particles in the air.
PREVENT IT  Try nasal spray made from mineral salts, it helps keep the mucus in the nose moist, which in turn provides a sticky barrier to airborne particles - especially useful on holidays, as air-conditioning and flying both have a dehydrating effect.

Insect bites
WHAT CAUSES THEM? Insect! But bites don't just make you scratch - mosquitoes in some countries can also carry nasty diseases, such as dengue fever and malaria, so it's best to avoid being bitten at all.
PREVENT IT  If mozzies love you, start taking Brewer's yeast tablets 2 weeks before you go. It changes your body chemistry in a way that repellent to insects. The all-natural repellent also calms down bitten skin if the insects do catch you out, and is suitable for babies too.

Travel sickness
WHAT CAUSES IT? When you travel, the brain can get confused by conflicting messages about the body's movements coming from the eyes, balance organs and spatial receptors.
PREVENT IT Try taking ginger capsules, it is an ancient and well-known anti-nausea remedy.

WHAT CAUSES IT? An attack can be triggered by a junk-food diet, more sex than usual or dehydration caused by drinking too little water and too much booze. Irritants such as chlorine in pools can also attact problems. Some women are put off by foreign toilets, so they hold on for longer, which make urines more concentrated and it then becomes a breeding ground for infection.
PREVENT IT  Cranberries have an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, and they also contain a substance called hippuric acid, which prevents E.Coli bacteria from clinging to the bladder wall.