List of foods to help you glow with health ...

inspire EAT RIGHT article by Karen Inge

When you aim to fill your diet with foods that give you a wonderful healthy glow, you'll find that weight loss is a bonus. Here's the list of true beauty foods that offer inner health and outer radiance ...

Dark red cherries ...
Richly pigmented purple or red fruits are bursting with anti-oxidants called anthocyanins, which have anti-ageing properties - from your brain cells right through to your skin. Plus, most are good sources of vitamin C, needed to build skin collagen.

Sweet potatoes ...
Orange-coloured vegetables are packed with beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body. New research shows that beta-carotene may protect the skin from harmful UV damange and premature skin ageing.

Smoked trout ...
We know Omega-3s are good for your heart., but recent research has focused on their ability to reduce inflamation right down to the cellular level. A study from the Royal Adelaide Hospital, recommends Omega-3s for combating the stiffness and inflammation of arthritis, and that the benefits translate into controlling redness and loss of firmness in skin as well.

Radicchio ...
Bursting with the B vitamin folate, green and red leafy vegetables, such as spinach and radicchio, help keep your cellular DNA in tip-top shape. Without folate, our body, skin, hair and nail cells can't devide, repair and renew.

Walnuts ...
Long associatted with beautiful skin, most nuts are rich in the fat-soluble anti-oxidant vitamin E and an excellent source of the good oils. Walnuts offer something more in that they contain the highest amount of the plant Omega-3s called alpha linolenic acid (ALA), which may help to reduce the severity of inflammatory skin conditions.

Probiotic yogurt ...
As well as the calcium for strong, glowing teeth and healthy bones, yogurt is also a good source of zinc, an essential mineral needed for healthy nails and hair, which is popping up in regenerating moiturising creams. It's the probiotics or active ABC cultures that make yogurt and yogurt drinks a real beauty. They not only nourish the gut, but skin cells too.

Chia seeds ...
Originally from South America, but now grown in Australia, these seeds are loaded with ALA, the plant source of Omega-3s, and are a powerful source of anti-oxidants, protein, calcium, iron and zinc, and are gluten-free. Also, they absorb more than nine times their weight in water and form a gel that slows digestion and may act as an appetite suppressant.