The 5 secrets of high-energy women

Have you ever wondered why some women always seem to have loads of energy, why you permanently feel tired and run-down? A few simple adjustments are all that's needed...

Get enough sleep
Too many of us fall into the trap of thinking of sleep as time that could be better spent doing something else.  You'll still be able to carry out simple tasks after just a few nights missed sleep, but, over time, lack of sleep will start to take its toll on your body. Your appetite will increase to conpensate for your body's growing need for energy, which could lead to weight gain. And if you regularly get fewer than six hours of sleep at night, your metabolism may slow down so your body won't be as efficient at breaking down glucose (sugars) in the blood into energy, which will add to your tiredness.
  • Always make SLEEP a priority and put it before distractions such as late-night TV sessions.
  • Get into a ROUTINE by going to bed and getting up at the same times every day.
  • Learn to WIND DOWN and relax before bedtime.
  • AVOID STIMULANTS like caffeine and nicotine, and depressant such as alcohol, for at least three hours before going to bed.

Think energetic
If you're happy with your life, you'll feel positive and have lots of energy, but if you're depressed, anxious or unhappy,  you probably won't. If you're depressed, you may also have trouble sleeping, which can lead to you feeling trapped in a cycle.

Eat well
The wrong sort of food slows down your system. Fatty food for breakfast, for sample, can make you feel sluggish during the morning. And stimulants such as caffeine and chocolate, as well as, depressants such as alcohol, give you a quick rush of energy followed by an equally fast drop, leading to a seesaw effect on your blood-sugar levels. Also, stimulants lead to bursts of adrenalin being produced - these speed everything up initially, but ultimately lead to exhaustion as your body tries to cope with the demands being made on it.
  • THE BEST FOOD ARE THOSE THAT RELEASE ENERGY SLOWLY into your system. These includes fresh fruit, root vegetables, dried fruits, nut, seed and whole grains. Eating five small meals a day will help stabilise blood-sugar levels.
  • ALWAYS EAT BREAKFAST. Oats or unsweetened cereal, yogurt and fruit make a great start to the day.
  • Keep a READY SUPPLY OF STARCHY ENERGISING SNACKS handy, such as apples, bananas or grapes and oat cakes or rice cakes.
  • CUT OUT STIMULANTS for a week and see how you feel. During the day, switch to decaf drinks and fruit or herbal teas. Green tea contains catechins, which speed up your body's metabolic rate, making it particularly energising.
Get moving
The more you exercise, the more energy is produced by your body. At first it can be a struggle and you might feel even more tired than usual, but this will soon pass and your energy levels will increase dramtically. Aim to do enough to work up a slight sweat, or more if you're up to it. Exercise stimulates the release of feelgood substances in the brain known as endorphines and, at the end of session, you should feel invigorated and energised.